Burning Man LIVE

Coyote and the Book Built to Burn

Episode Summary

Tony “Coyote” Perez has been building and striking Black Rock City since 1996, back when it had a tenth of the population and user-friendliness. Two long years later he became BRC's Superintendent, and still is to this day. He’s the “Bard of the Desert” and Burning Man’s first Storytelling Fellow. Stuart and Andie talk with him about his book “Built to Burn” and the sketchy days of early Burning Man, the widows of Gerlach, a territorial cattle rancher, and a helicopter Sheriff who loses his cool. WARNING: Contains descriptions of a graphic nature. Once you hear it, you can’t unhear it.

Episode Notes

Tony “Coyote” Perez has been building and striking Black Rock City since 1996, back when it had a tenth of the population and a tenth of the stability and user-friendliness. Two long years later he co-founded BRC's Department of Public Works and has been the City Superintendent ever since. He’s the “Bard of the Desert,” the blogger “Coyote Nose,” and Burning Man’s first Storytelling Fellow. His book is “Built to Burn: Tales of the Desert Carnies of Burning Man” and it’s, uh, creative nonfiction...

Stuart and Andie talk with him about the sketchy days of early Burning Man, the widows of Gerlach, a territorial cattle rancher, and a helicopter Sheriff who loses his cool. 

WARNING: Contains descriptions of a graphic nature that made people lose their cool. Once you hear it, you can’t unsee it in your mind. 

Harley K DuBois tells the tale of meeting Coyote on his first day at Burning Man, and the next day, meeting an entirely different version of him.

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Twitter: @tonycoyoteperez